Chairman & Managing Trustee
In 1995, Mr. Abdul Majeed, a graduate of Delhi University and an MBA, was inducted into the company under the guidance of his grandfather, Hakim Abdul Hameed, and his father, Mr. Abdul Mueed.
For the past 25 years, he has ardently followed Hamdard’s mission and vision. His interest in Unani was sparked by his grandfather, Hakim Hafiz Abdul Hameed, and has continued to grow over time. He actively engages in research and keeps himself abreast of new trends in the field of alternative medicine purely out of interest.
With a keen marketing and sales orientation, he possesses a curious intrigue in products. He firmly believes that perfection is a state of mind and that continuous progress is the only way forward.
Executive Trustee
Mr. Asad Mueed is the grandson of Hakim Abdul Hameed Sahib and the younger son of Mr. Abdul Mueed. His area of specialization is Pharmaceutical Sciences, and he holds a Doctorate in this field. His primary interests lie in Research and Development, New Product Development, and continuous innovation in the manufacturing processes at Hamdard.
Having served on various committees of the AYUSH Ministry, he has been a staunch advocate for the organization's cause. He is actively involved in AYUSH Manufacturing Associations, promoting the indigenous system of medicine.
Additionally, he plays an overall executive role in the organization.
Hkm. Naushad Ali Rana
In-Charge, Medical Board of physician
at Hamdard Laboratories Trust, India
Over the years, Hamdard has invested significantly in its Research & Development (R&D) program to create state-of-the-art R&D facilities. Backed by a research team of highly trained scientists with excellent credentials, the company's R&D and Quality facilities are equipped with cutting-edge technology.
the three divisions; Research and Development, Quality Assurance and Quality control work in a synchronized fashion to deliver the international quality products.
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